Welcome to the AF Monterey Player’s Edge summer camp. Here is some important information for the camp.
Hours and location
The camp hours are 9am to 12pm each day at the Monterey Peninsula College all-weather stadium. Parents and guardians are encouraged to be on-site 5-10 minutes prior to the end of the camp session in order to pick up their player.
Each day include a variety of soccer activities. Players should plan to wear appropriate clothing: short or training pants, shirt, soccer shoes, socks, and shinguards.
Depending on the weather, players may want to wear warm-weather gear. Players are also encouraged to bring sunblock.
Each day will include a rest break during the practice. Players should plan to bring water and/or a sports drink and light snack during this prior.
Each registration included a mobile phone or other contact number. In case of emergency, camp staff will utilize this information to contact the parent/guardian.
Camp staff may be contacted as follows:
Director of Coaching Mark Cisneros – 626.354.4488
Executive Director Scott Schoenthal – 209.600.4910